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Eligibility Rules and Submission Guidelines

“Narratives of Hope: Inspiring Peaceful, secure and inclusive Futures”

Gender Responsive Award Eligibility Rules and Submission Guidelines Page

The Gender Responsive Award celebrates outstanding journalism that promotes gender equality and highlights the challenges and triumphs related to gender issues within the IGAD region. This award recognises media professionals and organisations that produce compelling stories, reports, and features that:

  • Advocate for women’s rights and gender parity.
  • Shed light on gender-based violence and discrimination.
  • Highlight the achievements and contributions of women in various sectors.
  • Encourage dialogue and policy change towards a more inclusive society.
  • Submissions for this category should demonstrate a deep understanding of gender dynamics and showcase efforts to create a more equitable world.
  • All submissions must come through the online submission form provided.

  • All entries must be clearly labelled with the name of the participating journalist(s) and story title.
  • All work must be submitted in the same format in which it was broadcast.
  • Emailed entries must be in MP4 (most preferably), AVI or MOV format.
  • Entries must not be longer than 20 minutes.
  • Large files should be sent using Google Drive or other large file FTP services like SendSpace and BigFiles. Ensure that you enable all necessary access permissions.
  • If you choose to send files using a third party platform, please send an email to (subject: IGADMediaAwards2024).
  • If a link to a YouTube channel or video is provided, full access to enable viewing and download must be provided.

For more details